YESwise Holistic Learning


The Control Cabal Learning Module

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The Control Cabal

A Conspiracy for Control by Crisis, Deception and Technology


YESwise Learning Module

holistic learning for betterment

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 by Jon David Miller, M.A., M. Div.

holistic researcher, educator, philosopher & author

natural health wellness ~ human nature ~ economics ~ history ~ psychology ~ philosophy

~ over 60 years of reality research ~

(more about Jon)


A Time Of Change

Change seems to be the keyword of our times. Humans have seen more change in the last 150 years than ever in known history since "The Flood". 

Think of the number of ideas, events and actions in one day for a person of today compared to someone in the late 1800's, when no one had a telephone, an automobile, radio or TV, or even electricity. Since then, we have been overwhelmed with technology, information and programmed manipulation.

It is apparent that we have come to a critical period in the human journey. Over the last century, and especially since year 2000, this has become evident in the series of crises that have occurred around the world, as well as in the amazing growth in knowledge and technology.

In fact, the invasion of our lives with insufficiently bridled harmful technologies has produced some of the most serious crises. Among these are nuclear power, toxic chemicals, wireless devices, GMO crops, secret surveillance, mind control, DNA manipulation, ElectroMagnetic Frequencies (EMFs), nanobot "smart dust", and the 4G, 5G and newer 6G wi-fi systems.

Even worse, we have allowed the fraudulent medical industry to interfere in our lives due to ignorance and complacency. Officials brainwashed with belief in the erroneous medical dogma now issue control mandates as though they are justified in exercising tyrannical power.

What you are about to read is of the utmost concern. It is both bothersome and transformative. If you take some time to examine this analysis thoroughly, you are likely to agree. Concerns about the end of the life we have known have been moved from the back burner to be right before our eyes.

Please consider carefully what is presented here, as well as in my other works, and in the alternative media, such as found at ,, and, then choose your actions wisely. This is very important to every one of us. It will be a major issue for you if it is not already.

Whether we allow further encroachment of the cabal and their conglomerate or reduce its control depends on our response to current forces of change.

It is crucial to understand the powers and connections behind the events of our era. Major changes have been unfolding for a long time, bringing us now to a period of much turmoil.

The threats of terrorism, economic chaos, deadly germs, environmental devastation, weather disasters, earth changes, war, nuclear radiation, genetic modification, eugenics, dissolution of families, social disorder, fear, control, and the public poisons purposely in food, water, air and medicines -- these issues of mind and body control prove by their very existence that humanity is in a time of major crisis.

These conditions have been produced and/or exploited by the hidden deceptive puppet masters of "The Control Cabal", the world control structure, which I have also called the "Conglomerate Empire" or the "Transnational Interlocking Corporate Kingdom" (or "TICK").

On the other hand, the growing concern, love, caring and insightful understanding of many people are signs of a profound beneficial transformation in human consciousness as well.


A Change Of Times

Here we are at a crossroads. Humanity has come again to a time of major challenge.

There are currently significant issues in economics, finances, energy, water, health, the environment, politics, government, "terrorism", war, the military, our social organization, the weather, space activities and Earth itself.

It seems we have entered a key period of physical, emotional and spiritual crises. This interesting time also presents an opportunity for human growth in awareness and understanding.

Most people are missing the perception of what is happening; others try to ignore it.

The debt-based ongoing economic interference has been one sign of the challenging time we are encountering.

Other indications are the use of a falsified pandemic to restrict economic and social activities and decrease population, terror events, some alleged by analysts to be faked, staged attacks by intentionally deranged shooters or falsely blamed patsies, various other fabricated disasters, and the pre-planned security state responses to these.

There are many more concerns being recognized by those who are awakening. For most people though, the "too much to do" system keeps them preoccupied.

They are mesmerized by media and trained by propaganda, circumstances, example and commonality to accept false information, ignore evil and corruption, and focus on their own issues or distractions. People commonly assume normal will continue or resume. They often do not question the rationale of presumed authority and believe that they have little control over seemingly remote forces.

Too many ignore or barely acknowledge the drama going on beyond their immediate concerns, while the game is being changed in ways that will shock them even more before long.

Nearly all of us have been victims of mind control hypnosis, from the combination of the normalcy bias, routine experiences, the trauma-comfort cycle, media, entertainment, sports, advertising, etc.; and the mass public poisons, including fluoride, mercury, aluminum, barium, aspartame, GMOs, drugs, plastics, pesticides, etc., and even more sophisticated mind control.

The mental-emotional environment generated by intentional manipulators and passed on by the controlled media, corrupted leaders, puppet star performers, politicians and athletes, and deceived parents, caretakers, teachers, bosses and peers, leaves almost everyone living in a collective hypnotism, a dream state.

It has been rare for anyone to be guided through a process of awakening to be cognizant of the manipulation of perception and knowledge conducted by hidden deceptive strategists and spinners in education, entertainment, advertising, news, politics, government, history, economics, science, health, personal relationships and religion.

Celebrities, athletes, politicians, "experts", dramas, international relations, and many news events, as well as the media that displays all this to us, are components of a "REALLY BIG SHOW" presented to us for purposes of distraction, distress and deception. Some of them are not even the real person they are portrayed to be.

Those who are entrapped in the fabricated rat race feel they deserve to relax and unwind with entertainment, amusements and mood-altering substances. Is there any time for attention to what is really happening in the world and who is trying to run the whole show?

Still, one by one people are recognizing the compelled ignorance and researching to learn what is really going on.

There are choices and decisions that we will make individually and collectively in the next few months and years, which will impact human life for many years to come.

In this work my purpose is fostering increased awareness and understanding, which may prompt us to transform ourselves and the challenging situation we face with caring intention.

I admit to being a thinker. I have been analyzing what is going on around us for over  60 years,  beginning as a curious child and going beyond "higher education".

From studying history, economics, psychology, philosophy, religion and natural health, deep investigation of key issues and an unusual diversity of life experiences, a fuller perspective of this world and human interaction has developed.

I encourage you to have confidence that with conscious action and mutual support we can learn and grow through the coming serious challenges for which we must prepare to survive.

We can best stop the cabal takeover of the world and our minds by understanding it. Please read in this ebook the details of how an evil cabal has expanded its power, what has been done to us and what is intended for the future.

This is absolutely crucial information if you live on this planet!


"The price good people pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil people."

– Plato


"If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself."

"A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth."

"Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will."

- Joseph Goebbels


"How fortunate for leaders, that the masses do not think."

"The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than a small one."
"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it."

  Adolph Hitler


"The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are as a people inherently, and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts, far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it.

Even today there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today there is little value in ensuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment....

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy, that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system that has conscripted vast human and material resources, into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published, its mistakes are buried, not headlined, its dissenters are silenced, not praised, no expenditure is questioned, no secret is revealed. That is why the Athenian lawmaker, Solo, decreed it a crime, for any citizen to shrink from controversy. I am asking your help, in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people, confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be, free and independent...."

- President John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Click here to watch a powerful video set to portions of JFK's speech and more.



Anything mentioned in this work which seems unfamiliar or extreme to you can be researched through links provided and/or by using a search engine.

(NOTE: Google, Yahoo and Bing/MSN, etc., track and record everything you do through their searches and emails, while censoring much information. It is recommended that you not use these for searching or emails. Your information will be used to profile and manipulate you, and it is fully available to the snoopers. For searching, try, which has unbiased results and does not track you.)

Some of what I discuss is considered controversial. With my diverse knowledge and unique array of experiences, and my ongoing research, I have been able to perceive the big picture. I believe that I have a broad awareness of our real situation on this planet, and present a crucial analysis of what you need to know. (More about Jon.)

I strongly recommend you also visit my website for an urgent education about life-altering challenges we are facing and ways to prepare.

I am a holistic educator, a human nature social analyst and philosopher. With a diverse background in social sciences: economics, philosophy, religion, psychology, education, business, natural health, spirituality and personal improvement, my intention is sharing insight into life transforming information.

I provide relaxing rest stops along the way as you read the shocking analysis of what is going on in the world behind the scenes. These provide insights from my philosophy of natural holism.

Please understand that my ultimate intention is to encourage attention on these key principles of life and growth in consciousness:

freedom from mind control, awareness of reality, healing beyond doubt, loving with forgiveness and gratitude, transforming fear into confident action for good, and spiritual attunement.

During the "Rest Stops" and at any other time, you are invited to take a moment to recognize the greater intelligent power or consciousness that manifests all reality, often referred to as Source, Creator or "God". In that context, the drama of the appearance we are encountering may be scene as an educational and transformative opportunity.

If you determine this work to be valuable, please engage yourself and refer your friends.



Suggestions For Reading This Ebook

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You can proceed through each page using your scroll bar, the scroll wheel on your mouse, or the down arrow, and move on through the chapters using either the "GO TO NEXT PAGE" link at the bottom of each page, or the links to selected chapters below.

If you are short on time, you could read one or two pages at a sitting. Each time you return to this web page, you can proceed to the next page you would like to read using the links below.

Also watch for related announcements on this page.

Thank you for your attention and consideration, Jon


Rest Stop

A relaxing breath and fresh thought make things better:

The challenges of life are opportunities for expanded loving to surround, soften and transform the apparent crisis conditions.

~ ~


Caring For One Another

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Links To Other Chapters:


What Is Going On?

The TICK Conspiracy

The Corporate Control Kingdom

Economic Control

Control of Energy

History of Control

TICK Plans

TICK Tricks


The Agenda


Be Prepared



Jon David Miller, M.A., M.Div.

holistic researcher, educator, philosopher and author

natural wellness ~ human nature ~ economics ~ history ~ psychology ~ philosophy

About The Author


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