The Control Cabal

Conspiracy for Control By Crisis, Deception & Technology

Back To Introduction

Control Of Energy

Also in this chapter: Energy Alternatives ~ Summary

Oil And Gasoline

Controlled Energy Resource
What do you think that high oil, gasoline and heating fuel prices do to the prices of other goods and to the rest of the economy?

Rising energy cost has been a major factor in widespread inflation for over thirty years. A higher price of oil has an effect on the prices of any products that need to be transported. 

Although the gasoline prices have been up and down lately, they are still no more than in 2008. Other prices have been lower as well, some of them because of the lower oil and gasoline prices. Demand for oil and other goods have fallen off with many financially hurt by the crash, including those out of work.

Some economic observers think we'll see higher gasoline prices again before long. The Gulf of Mexico BP oil disaster of several years ago added to the momentum for higher taxes on oil, gasoline and other carbon fuels. The taxes remaining in place limit the reduction of charges at the pump from a lower price of crude oil.

Eventually the war expenditures, the recovery programs and other increases in government spending may bring back major inflation effecting most items, especially gasoline, as the dollar loses international status.

Also, the oil producing nations have held back on production in the past to nudge the price higher. OPEC has chosen to not cut back on production, allowing the price of oil to fall near the end of 2014.

Either way, they still make a profit, but they always prefer to make more profit, and to wield more economic power. The more war activities in the Middle East, the more there will be upward pressure on oil pricing.

We should not let the "Global warming" issue be a reason for excessively higher oil, gasoline and natural gas prices. The concept of human actions causing global warming is not a settled idea, despite the propaganda. It is becoming clear that this is a TICK ploy, a "psy op" to have even more control over energy resources and the consuming population.

The carbon emissions propaganda increases belief in the importance of centralized management of energy, resulting in greater TICK control and additional taxes. "Cap and trade" legislation will likely boost taxes on energy use.

The higher the price of oil, the greater the amount of taxes collected. Many governments as well as oil kings and companies benefit from high oil and gasoline prices, but they will also lower the price to undermine competition or other manipulative reasons.

The deception of blaming a natural cycle of warming and cooling on human-generated carbon emissions, is being used to promote an international policy called "Agenda 21" that in essence will establish global governmental regulation of "carbon footprints" and a highly restricted lifestyle on the average people of the world. There is a large contingent of credible scientists who state that the overall warming trend subsided over 18 years ago.

Warming in certain areas may be caused be the secretive stratospheric aerosol geo-engineering program.

The carbon tax that developed nations will be compelled to pay will further enrich the elite controllers, while further reducing jobs. Meanwhile the cost of living and unemployment will both soar in the United States.


The Price of Oil
Prices of fuel and other goods, especially those that are imported, were quite high in 2008. Diesel fuel, used by the large trucks that transport much of our goods, was even higher in price than gasoline.

The trucking industry has a very difficult time dealing with extremely high diesel prices. An increase in transportation cost contributes to the inflation engine for many other products.

If the fuel price were to get to over $4 per gallon again in the U.S. and remain high, broccoli or lettuce could rise above $3 per bunch, and a loaf of bread could go past $5.

We have seen brief falls back in price and temporary price plateaus, but oil, gasoline and diesel prices will climb substantially again eventually with the inflation from uncontrolled government spending, unless such governments collapse financially first.

Beyond inflation and natural market forces for raising price, something dramatic like an expansion of war in the Middle East, a terrorist attack on a production facility, World War III or a natural disaster affecting production, could push the oil price up rapidly. The Saudi regime in conjunction with the CIA, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda and ISIL / ISIS have fostered the disturbances in the Middle East to consolidate control of the oil market and sustain the "petro-dollar" status as much as possible.

Watch for any news events that can be used as a rationale for producers and refiners raising oil, gasoline and heating fuel prices. This has been a repeated occurrence.

The greatest upward push on the cost of goods for the United States population is the excessive borrowing and spending of the U.S. government.

The massive U.S. debt held around the world, especially by China and the Federal Reserve Bank, and the amazing amount of dollars being issued, cause many experts to expect a collapse or replacement of the dollar. Some nations, including Russia and China, have worked on developing their own currency exchanges for international trade to move away from the dollar as the world's primary currency.

In addition to fuel uses, oil is the source for agricultural chemicals used around the world. An extreme rise in oil prices could result in a dislocation in agriculture, with temporarily reduced crops and worsen famine around the world.


Basic Oil Market Structure
About 60% of the price of oil goes to the source supplier, with approximately 20% for refining and 20% for distribution and marketing.

~ Producers - Oil producers prefer a high price, but they earn profit whether the price is high or low. As long as they recover more than their production and marketing expenses, they earn money.

~ Refiners - For oil refiners it is not so much about whether the prices of oil and gasoline are high or low. The spread between the cost of crude oil and the wholesale price of gasoline is the profit zone the refining industry has.

They need to have a nice crack in that spread to make good money. The gap is usually greater when industry prices are high.

Most of the brand name oil companies refine their own oil. The ones who get squeezed in a down market, when there is usually a smaller spread between oil and gasoline prices, are the smaller independent refiners who have to buy market crude.

~ Retailers - The retail filling stations actually make more money when the price of gasoline is not very high. The retailer gains only 2 to 5 cents per gallon of gasoline whatever the price is.

The items sold in the convenience store of most gas stops are far more profitable than the gasoline. When consumers have some cash to spare beyond what they spend on the gas, they buy a lot more in the convenience shop.

~ Support Businesses - drillers, pipelines, equipment providers, and shipping and trucking services, are some of the peripheral industries of oil. They do well in most economic conditions, and the best when oil and gasoline are flowing strongly through the system.

The large oil companies are producers, refiners and retailers. They make money no matter what! Record oil company profits were reported for 2008, a recession year with oil and gasoline prices on a roller coaster.


How Did The Price Get So High?
The extreme high prices of oil and gasoline we experienced in 2008 were not because of an oil shortage. It happened for several reasons:

~ profit gouging - A major factor of high price is the profit interests of the TICK royalty and corporations that own or process petroleum.

The gasoline industry itself is also responsible for unnecessary increases in gasoline prices. They often jack the gasoline price right after the price of oil goes up, even though the gas they currently serve was from oil drilled weeks or months earlier. 

The price is also immediately increased based on any news that is considered an influence, such as war activities in the Middle East.


~ dollar down - The declining value of the dollar from excessive U.S. government borrowing and spending is another reason for higher oil price. The dollar weakens in value with more and more being issued.

The U.S. paid more than a trillion dollars just for oil in 2008. The extremely high oil prices that year were like a tax increase of 30-40% on oil, and contributed to the current serious recession.

Ironically, much of the U.S. expenditures have been due to the highly expensive corporate wars in Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan.

An increased oil price is partly a war tax from the expanded government borrowing and purchases for war, the tremendous use of oil for military activities, and other expensive defense projects.

(Question: Why does the United States sacrifice so many lives and spend so many billions of dollars to provide military protection and financial assistance to some of the wealthiest oil producing nations without reimbursement from them?)


~ high demand & limited supply - OPEC, still dominated by Mideast royalty, tends to fleece the world’s consumers by holding back supply.

Demand for oil has doubled in the last 30 years, but production has increased very little. OPEC's long term strategy centers on limiting the amount of oil on the market to sustain or drive up the price. This is done in part to put a squeeze on western economies, especially the United States economy.


~ futures contracts - Speculation by investors in oil futures can also effect the price of a barrel of oil.  Bidders on futures contracts expecting soaring prices drove the cost of a barrel of oil to nearly $150.

The big investment banks were selling commodity contracts on oil. The constant drumming by salesmen that the oil prices would go a lot higher, resulted in the contract price being bid up and up.

The record high price of oil put a squeeze on the whole economy. Ultimately it formed the dart that popped the oil balloon, starting a chain reaction of popping balloons. With the balloons deflated, the economic basket crashed.


The Down Low
Investors finally realized that the price of oil had been bid up artificially higher than anyone expected, far beyond what would have resulted from normal market forces. As the economy slowed and demand for oil diminished, the volatile price fell rapidly.

When the oil bubble burst, the losses on commodity contracts contributed to the financial disaster that led to the bailout.

Another reason the oil price temporarily fell is that major consumers of oil, especially China, had been able to purchase oil futures contracts some while previously at a low oil price. These came to term for delivery at the about same time that growth in demand for oil fell off with the developing recession.


The oil industry has operated primarily as a cartel from the start. The big oil producers and marketers are the mega players that have strategized and manipulated the oil market for over a century.

As an example of corporate profit strategy trumping the public good, General Motors bought up efficient electric trolley systems in many cities in the 1920's and 30's and replaced them with their own gasoline buses. As they raised fares, they simultaneously encouraged people to each have their own car.

Similarly, the oil companies have bought up many inventions and technologies that were more efficient in their use of oil and gasoline or a better alternative, and they eliminated them to protect their oil interests.

Beyond that, the cartel has jockeyed to make oil and natural gas essential resources for consumers, businesses and governments. In the process they have influenced other industries, such as automobiles, agriculture and medicine, and suppressed or retarded anything that might reduce oil consumption.


Oil Strategies
Lindsey Williams is a best-selling author whom I have met and worked with personally on a book compiling the articles of several authors including myself.

Rev. Williams was the chaplain for the Alaskan oil pipeline construction workers, including the executives that managed that operation. He was privileged to sit in meetings with oil higher-ups and has industry insider contacts who know the whole story.

Williams believes that the "peak oil" concept (the idea that we have passed the midpoint in oil reserves) is a myth perpetrated by vested interests.

There are many other oil market experts that agree.

Oil is NOT at all the result of billions of years of decaying plant and dinosaur remains, as the oil propagandists have mythologized for the purpose of characterizing oil as very scarce.

It is now believed that the earth produces oil continuously from deep within, and that oil fields are gradually replenished naturally.

Williams says in his book The Energy Non-Crisis that there is enough oil and natural gas readily available just in Alaska to serve the current and projected needs of the United States for over 200 years. There are many other pockets of oil and natural gas in the United States, but most of these require environmentally threatening processes to recover.

Energy resources have been held back, purportedly as "national security", but it is really done in concert with the interests of oil producers who profit from limited production. Controlling output helps producers sustain as profitable a price for oil and gas as possible.

(CLICK HERE to see a video of Lindsey Williams speaking.)

Concerns over environmental deterioration from oil drilling are valid. Still, it is possible to extract oil and natural gas with negligible environmental impact at modestly higher cost.

Even though global warming caused by human actions is a TICK hoax, greener alternatives than oil are a better choice for reducing pollution. However, we do have the oil available to tide us through while those are developed.


Gasoline Cost
The price of gasoline has already been more than the equivalent of $10 per gallon in other parts of the world. In Europe, greater taxes on gasoline make it much higher in cost than in the U.S.

The TICK likely intends to raise the gasoline taxes here in the U.S. as well as globally as part of their agenda. The "global warming" "carbon footprint" propaganda is preparing the way for this.

When gasoline cost is low, it is more beneficial for the world economy, as goods can be moved to various destinations at reasonable expense. The high price of oil and gasoline in 2008 was not because the underground stock of oil has been greatly diminished.

High gasoline prices were a reflection of a combination of a weakened U.S. dollar, investor speculation, and the profit motive.

Profit and market control have motivated OPEC oil producing nations to restrict production increases for many years. However, they can also sell low to put the squeeze on higher cost producers, such as Russia, Venezuela and the U.S.


The Global Oil Game
As demand was growing phenomenally around the world over the last quarter century, oil production was held back to create a shortage on the market, and volatile but generally high prices. 

By hidden collusion, the nations and companies that control most oil production effect the price by adjusting production.

The oil kings are experts at ripping off the world. Part of their intention is to be able to bring everyone else to their knees if they choose so.

The oil, natural gas and nuclear mega billionaires and their TICK allies have endeavored to keep the world's population mainly dependent on the resources they control in abundance.

Then they are able to influence various other players by manipulation of the oil and gasoline prices.

The 2009 lull in oil prices may have been encouraged by OPEC as it greatly reduced oil revenues for their competitor, the Russians. This hurt their economy, and the Russians were not happy about it.

On the other hand, the earlier very high oil prices were putting a brake on the economic growth in China. Eventually they were able to purchase large contracts for oil at a savings, which contributed to lowering the world price.

With the recession, demand for Chinese products fell off, so their oil needs have been lessened.

However, China now has serious challenges to work through as a result of the reduction in exports. Unemployment and financial stress even moved people to civil disturbances there.

Although the Chinese government holds trillions of U.S. dollars, they cannot flood the world economy with them, or it would undermine the dollar and worsen their export position. They need to encourage exporting for their growing population to be employed.

China is now less inclined to continue buying U.S. treasury notes and supporting the U.S. dollar. If China backs off further, the dollar will fall in value to some degree, raising the cost of oil even more again.

A new squeeze from high priced gasoline would be especially harmful for Americans. The economy is already weakened from excessive debt at every level, deterioration of the manufacturing infrastructure, and years of sub-par political leadership. A serious spike in oil and gasoline prices could trigger a further collapse of the vulnerable U.S. economy.

Natural gas prices were also climbing higher until late 2008, similar to the prices of oil. If natural gas and heating oil rise in price again, winter heating bills could become beyond the budgets of most people, businesses and organizations.

TICK controllers intend to bring the United States to its knees economically by undermining the U.S. economy and destroying the dollar while they still have us as captive customers.

At a time the TICK decides it is appropriate for their plans, filling up a car with gasoline and heating our homes will become much more expensive again.


Global Warming

The Myth Of Warming
There has been no overall global warming for more than 18 years. Warming has occurred only in a few areas.

For more than a decade there has actually been an overall global trend in cooling.

Four of the snowiest winters in recorded history in northern Ohio have been in the last ten years.

Southern "sunbelt" states have been hit with unusual cold and snow. Citrus and other crops in Florida have been ruined by freezing.

Similar occurrences have happened all over the world.

Global warming caused by humans is an invalid theory and a political agenda, not a reality. It is political science, not real science, similar to pandemic propaganda.
The majority of genuine climate scientists, including most meteorologists, say that there is no way that normal human actions have caused global warming or any significant climate change.

Many of the scientists who are not beholden to results-oriented government and think tank funding, think the "carbon footprint" idea is a joke. One volcanic eruption far exceeds carbon emissions from the burning of fuels.

The destruction of forests is a much greater concern. Planting trees and vegetation helps sequester carbon, although that is not really needed as has been propagandized. Trees and plants need carbon dioxide to grow, storing carbon (eg. carbohydrates), and they release oxygen, needed by animals and humans.

Human use of fuels and energy does not produce a significant enough amount of carbon to effect the climate. Natural earth changes may generate climate change, such as a major volcanic eruption. Solar changes over time could be a major influence on a climactic shift.

However, atmospheric and nature's manipulation by geo-engineering, directed energy and other somewhat secret high-tech weapons are the primary causes of the orchestrated weather manipulation and often created disasters (eg., drought, floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes) promoted as "climate change".

The issue is cooling more than warming. There are scientists who think that we may be on the verge of an ice age. They point to the cooling trend and the abnormal extreme cold weather events as signs of it, as well as ice accumulation in many areas.
There are other good reasons to reduce pollution and preserve greenery, but it is a big mistake to associate that legitimate "green" focus with the ridiculous "global warming" and climate change propaganda.

Sticking with the outdated human caused climate change concept is retarding the green movement's legitimacy.


The "carbon footprint" warming myth is more about control of the population, and the new market for elite traders in carbon credits.

The TICK is utilizing the momentum for a "carbon tax" on the output of industrialized nations as part of their strategy to subsume the United States to a world corporate government (ALA the World Economic Forum), while redistributing U.S.A. wealth to underdeveloped nations and restricting the population to limited urban lifestyle under Agenda 2030 of the United Nations.


Energy Alternatives

Nuclear Power
Concern about nuclear power may be as great an issue as pollution from oil. 

Fission nuclear power plants are highly dangerous to human life. Thus far disasters have been few, but very harmful when they have occurred.

Major earthquakes or terrorist acts involving nuclear plants could be devastating. It is crucial to stop the expansion of fission nuclear power and its terrible toxic waste until safer reactors, possibly using cold fusion technology, are properly developed and in place.

The Fukushima nuclear plant disaster in Japan in March of 2011, caused by an earthquake and tsunami, has been an ongoing source of dangerous radiation to the whole northern hemisphere ever since. Japan and the Pacific coast of North America have been severely contaminated, as well as the north Pacific waters. Foods from these areas are suspect. We could be  breathing radioactive particles and getting them on our skin from the fallout in the rain.


Safer, Cleaner Options
There are other energy resources than oil and nuclear power that are just as effective or better.

Solar, wind, bio-fuels and hydrogen options are already viable. Electric batteries for storage and use of power are becoming more important. There is also still a great amount of coal available in the U.S.

Famed genius inventor, Nikola Tesla, developed equipment that could draw free energy from the atmosphere which could have been used for nearly a century now to meet our electrical needs. His project was undermined by a coalition of opponents, including Thomas Edison and his General Electric corporation, and JP Morgan. Morgan refused Tesla financing as there would be little profit in an energy source not fully controlled by the financial power brokers.


Green Technologies
There are good reasons to rapidly develop alternative energy resources. Solar, wind, ethanol, hydrogen, clean electric, LED lighting and other alternatives are already in the marketplace.

Coal can economically be broken down to make a cleaner fuel, with purer carbon left over to burn in electric plants.

There is a new type of solar energy film, even a solar "ink" with which you can create low level solar collectors with your computer printer. This will make solar energy affordable for everyone to use in their home.


Although less productive for fuel, the waste materials of food crops are much less expensive as an energy resource than the foods themselves. We need our food crops to meet the needs of hungry people around the world.

An important way to have abundant food and bio-fuels is increasing vegetable gardening in back yards, unused city lots, open fields, etc.

Workshops to teach and encourage consumer food and bio-fuel production and processing will ease global food shortages and keep food prices reasonable, while providing sustainable cleaner energy at lower cost.

You can probably run your automobile as it is right now on as much as 50% alcohol (ethanol). This clean burning fuel can easily be made from a variety of plant materials, including sorghum and cattails. With minor adjustments your car could run on 90%+ alcohol.

There is no need to reduce food production in favor of ethanol, as ethanol can be a worthwhile byproduct. Removing the carbohydrate from corn for alcohol production, leaves a protein rich food for livestock that is far more digestible, with mush less methane gas being expelled by the animals.

Recycling of used cooking oils is another bio-fuel market. Converted diesel vehicles can run on food oil wastes from restaurants and institutions. This oil can also be used for heat.

Having your own stock of fuel for transportation and heating needs allows you to function off grid. Power generators run by fuel, including alcohol, can complement solar and wind sources to run a home or business.

There are even newer technologies in development that may solve our need for clean abundant energy. However, there is a history of vested energy interests blocking or impeding such new breakthroughs.

We have the oil and natural gas reserves to tide us through until these better energy sources are well-established. However, the TICK manipulates oil production for their own purposes.


TICK Control
The historical practice of The TICK is to hide, undermine or squelch decentralized energy technologies. They want to keep the population dependent on the "scarce" resources they control.

The TICK seems to be now moving to incite economic upheaval, social disruption and consequent increased control measures before decentralized energy methods become commonplace.



Although the gasoline price was significantly lower not long ago, it has moved somewhat higher with more increases to come.

Expanded government borrowing and spending with the financial bailouts and stimulus spending will likely bring a return to inflation and higher prices for most items.

With general inflation, combined with limited production by the oil kings, and a likely global tax on energy use, gasoline prices are destined to rise again, spurring even greater inflation and economic hardship.

It is of utmost importance to develop alternative energy sources and delivery systems as soon as possible. Decentralized fuel access and on-site energy production and/or storage are essential to true energy independence.


Rest Stop

A relaxing breath and fresh thought can make things better:

Clean energy is abundantly available and practically free.

~ ~


Caring For One Another

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Links To Other Chapters:


What Is Going On?

The TICK Conspiracy

The Corporate Control Kingdom

Economic Control


History of Control

TICK Plans

TICK Tricks


The Agenda


Be Prepared



Jon David Miller, M.A., M.Div.

holistic educator, social scientist, philosopher and author

natural wellness ~ human nature ~ social science ~ philosophy

About The Author


CLICK HERE for info on Jon's music cd,

It's About Time


If you have a question or comment, contact us.


Listen to your choice of Jon's internet broadcasts at Yeswise Insights.



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If you are not already aware of it, this information may be shocking and a lot to consider at once. It is unlikely that all that has been mentioned in this analysis will happen, but events that will change life for all of us are more than probable. They are already happening.
Awareness and cooperation are essential for humanity to make our way out of the deep trap The Powers That Be have created for us. We must break free of the ignorance instilled by poisoning with chemicals and electromagnetic fields, and the hypnosis by distraction and fear that keeps us confused and clinging to the hope of normalcy.
It is very important to form an alliance with your close friends and relatives to help each other through difficult times. Such an alliance is the best resource for making plans to provide food, shelter and protection for yourselves.

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