The Control Cabal
A Conspiracy for Control By Crisis, Deception & Technology
What Is Going On?
Also in this chapter:
Also in this chapter: Behind the Scenes ~ Planned Economic Disruption ~ Corporate State Control
Crisis And Deception
What do you think about these issues?:
~ the "pandemic"
~ the promotion of flu shots and vaccinations
~ the medical care plans
~ the disturbances and manipulations in the financial markets
~ the debt crisis
~ the financial collapse of the Eurozone and failed attempts to fix it
~ the bank "bailouts", the "stimulus" programs, and "Quantitative easing" by the FED
~ the disturbances and wars in the middle east and the Ukraine
~ the diverse protests and riots in the U.S.A. and other nations
~ terrorist attacks and mass shootings
~ attempted assassinations
~ the transportation checkpoints where they explore you physically for banned items
~ the number of military-age men crossing the USA borders
~ "gun control"
~ the ongoing issues with energy, especially oil
~ Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
~ nanotechnology
~ synthetic biology
~ the public poisons intentionally put in our water, food, air and homes
Are you concerned about the decline of the United States and the behavior of our government, medical and financial officials?
How about giant corporations and their unethical actions?
What is happening? Do you wonder who is up to what?
The financial, environmental and social crises are widespread. Challenges are manifesting in many realms of life worldwide.
Do you think that government and its programs will really help restore good times before long?
Do you think we need to give up freedom to be safe?
Hidden By Deception
There is much that most of us don't know. We may not know it because it has been hidden from us behind a screen of deception.~ How much is the economy manipulated?
~ Why is it not known by most people that the "Federal Reserve Bank" is privately owned by its member commercial banks and their ultra wealthy owners, that it is NOT part of the government, and that the FED exerts more control over our economy than the government?
~ How interconnected are the giant corporations?
~ Why did governments at various levels become corporations themselves?
~ How much crucial information about the Gulf oil disaster and the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe in Japan has been held back?
~ Could the repeated publicized pandemic warnings have been part of a planned and staged operation? Are there actually engineered viruses or nanobot-enhanced microbes on the loose already, possibly with worse ones to be released yet, with increased promotion for taking vaccines?
~ What do you think about vaccinations being compelled, when they are contaminated with highly toxic mercury, aluminum, snake venom peptides, squalene, viruses, human cells, fetal cells, animal cells, graphene oxide as well as high-tech nanobots as common ingredients?
~ Are you aware that nanobots, also called "smart-dust", are in the air we breathe, many medicines and even foods and water? That almost all of us have these ay work in us?
~ Do you know that the virus "tests" may contain the nanobots that cause the disease, which are suspected to also be in flu shots and other vaccines?
~ Have you heard that these programmable nanobots can self assemble to form antennae and other structures inside the body that can impact your health, thinking and behavior?
~ Do you know that the vaccination identification "tattoo" that the conglomerate with Bill Gates as spokesperson wants to tag you with contains a fluorescent enzyme called "luciferase"?
~ Will the government's increased coordination with the health care system improve the population's health as much as it increases illness, tracking, taxes and control of people's lives?
~ How about eugenics (selective parenting, genetic modification, and biological transmutation), cloning, reduced medical care for seniors, "end-of-life" decisions for the infirm and the elderly, and the routine undermining of the population's health by multiple small dose public poisoning of the masses?
~ What and why are they spraying in the sky? Are you aware of the atmospheric geo-engineering (aka, chemtrails) that may be causing changes in you and your health right now?
~ Why has brain and nerve numbing, pineal gland impairing, toxic fluoride been added to urban water supplies for the last 70 years?
~ Why was brain destroying aspartame put in so many food and drink products?
~ Why do many commercial food products today have genetically modified (GMO) ingredients?
~ Why do nearly all of us have a toxic level of glyphosate weed killer in the body?
~ How have institutional churches, seminaries and other religious organizations actually restricted spiritual understanding and assisted in the deception, fraud and dominance of the world by elite controllers?
~ Can you connect the dots of events like the Oklahoma City explosion, 9-11, the Aurora movie shooting, Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon bombing, the Parkland High School and Las Vegas shootings, and others, to recognize that these have been at least used, if not planned and orchestrated, to justify the growing security / surveillance systems in the United States?
~ Are you aware of the National Defense Authorization Act that has been passed by Congress and signed into law by president after president, year after year, which circumvents our Constitutional rights? Under this little known security state "emergency" authorization a U.S. citizen can be arrested and detained indefinitely with no charges or trial, and possibly killed, merely on "suspicion" of being a threat to the government?
~ Do you know that U.S. propaganda, operatives, drone airplanes, missiles and even biological weapons have been used in killing innocent people in other parts of the world, and that most of these are now being deployed in the U.S.A.?
~ What do you think of the more than 2 billion bullets, advanced weapons, armored vehicles, drone airplanes and hidden foreign troops that the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies have accumulated for domestic deployment?
~ Are we under constant surveillance by internet and phone communications, cameras, drones, satellites, etc.?
~ Are you aware of the plan of the United Nations to move populations into "sustainable" cities with a highly monitored limited lifestyle? (Formerly known as "Agenda 21", now as the "2030 Agenda", using engineered drought. storms, fires, etc.)
~ Why are we being deceived in nearly every arena of life from food to medicine, from philosophy to religion, from economics to politics, from history to current events, from education to entertainment, from psychology to propaganda, from Republican to Democrat, from capitalism to communism and from diplomacy to war?
~ Is it possible that elite top bosses and their hired agents at the pinnacle of hidden power over the centuries have molded tools and traps, and mastered techniques of manipulation and control in every major discipline of human interaction?
The Conglomerate Empire
The stage is now set for much more "change" than we hoped for or expected from the actors we call politicians and statesmen. There are major changes in the works that we may not like.Most U.S. politicians, Democrats and Republicans, presidents, congress people, judges, the Federal Reserve ("The FED"), and many other institutions are political and economic fronts for a network of financial institutions, businesses, non-profits, governments, agencies and secret societies.
This complex conglomerate is like an empire, and those few at the very top of it all serve as a control cabal of "co-emperors" of this technocratic system, which has been developing for well more than a century, after centuries of more obvious tyranny.
The United States presidency is basically an acting job with teleprompter speeches and rehearsed responses to questions. The supporting cast of the cabinet, advisors, bureau and agency chiefs and military heads are selected and installed by the conglomerate. The Congress is dominated and controlled by cabal operatives.
The two major U.S. political parties are like nearly matching wings on a corporate state drone aircraft, which is "technocratically" designed according to statutes and bureaucratic regulations, financed by debt, driven by greed, sexual depravity and blackmail, fueled with paper play money and oil, decorated for show, and loaded with poisons and other weapons of mass destruction. It is following a flight plan to ruin, and piloted by deceptive tyrannical psychopaths and sociopaths remotely operating the controls.
The hope is that we can alter the course and navigate this plane safely back to be grounded for careful unloading and repair. We need to do this before it completely destroys the twin towers of freedom and prosperity we have struggled and worked to build in our pursuit of happiness. That pursuit has become misguided onto a false path through a fantasy land of deceptive alternative realities.
The Conglomerate Empire At Work
The pandemic, the recent economic shut-down, the "Crash of 2008" financial debacle, the home foreclosures, the unemployment, the government debt crises, the very serious global economic collapse that could become obvious soon, the looming depression, the virus threats, the medical care takeover, the oil crises, GMO crops, the media coverage of whatever grabs attention, the "wars and rumors of wars", "false flag" prearranged terrorist acts, mass shootings by mind-controlled patsies, weather control, "climate change", engineered disaster events, uprisings in the middle east, the crisis in Ukraine, protests in Europe and the U.S., surveillance cameras everywhere, recording of all communications, an intentional toxic fog of chemicals in the air, hypnotic and predictive programming through television, movies, entertainment, sports and "news", and much more, are all planned and fostered or presented by various aspects of the empire.Some of this is for distraction and/or confusion to keep us from perceiving what the cabal behind the empire is really doing. Their main goal is total control.
The claims during the twenty-teens of the recession coming to an end, and the false anticipation of an economic turnaround were a media spin cycle of government generated propaganda. Now with dramatically reducing economic activity, we may be in the greatest depression of all time.
The earlier drips of "stimulus" money that trickled out the other side of the financial industry to the rest of us have been no more helpful than the manipulation of markets and statistics, all done in an attempt to give a false appearance of steps toward economic stability or improvement, while "the powers that be" got richer and more powerful. Meanwhile they were preparing to collapse the world economy for their own purposes.
The hiring of government workers (some of them temporarily, such as for the census or for tax return processing), the volatile ups and downs of the stock market, the manipulation in the metals and oil markets, the incompleteness of the stated unemployment rate to keep reporting it as under 10% in the U.S., and the fudging of the stated inflation rate by excluding food and energy prices, were recognized by alternative analysts as "TICK tricks".
The pumping up of a short spurt of inconsequential activity is not much different from giving candy as medicine and saying, "You're all better now".
The real rate of under-employment was more like 25% before COVID-19. Now the hidden full-blown unemployment is approaching that.
Those who reach the end of their "unemployment benefits" without obtaining a job are no longer counted in figuring the government's rate. Lack of employment is much worse among youth, especially those with poor education.
Actually a great deal of the outlays for bailouts and stimulus a decade ago went into the pockets of the financial industry. $20 billion in bonuses were paid on Wall Street in 2009 following the crash, 17% higher than in 2008.
Many upper level players in the system have been paid well for years. Most of the corporate execs, big brokers and "banksters" are not suffering much through this mess!
It is the middle class that has been especially wiped out.
The financial officials have not really fed enough of the rescue funds to the small businesses and individuals. Much of the support money of the last 15 years has been retained or spent within the corporate financial realm for support of paper debts and assets, for covering up scandalous ventures, for massive commissions, and for unknown projects, and there has been minimal benefit for the real economy where valuable goods and services are exchanged.
"The Powers That Be" (TPTB) wanted us to think the economy was getting better, so they manipulated us with statistics, political rhetoric and the media to make it seem like that was happening. However, many astute analysts perceived the charade.
Our government, financial, legal, political, media, agricultural, chemical, energy, and medical institutions have all been incorporated over the last century into a growing, deceitful, global corporate high-tech bureaucratic conglomerate system controlled by international big shots.
This elite group of powerful people is pursuing long-planned gradual steps to thoroughly run the world. Its plans and actions have had a major impact on your life, and may affect you even more greatly in the coming years.
Their global plans include Agenda 2030, a protocol promoted by the United Nations that is designed to limit life activities and the use of resources by gathering the world's population into highly monitored and controlled cities. The official use of the terms "sustainable development" and "smart growth" are clues that this planned manipulation is in progress.
This may sound like fiction or paranoia. It is neither. Criticism of this plan does not imply ignorance of the concerns about climate change, which have been intentionally misdirected and manipulated. Please read on.
“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”
- David Rockefeller, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, former head of Chase Bank
The Deep State Cabal
that there is both a "shadow government" of hidden agents in key positions, and a "deep state" of powerful upper levels of global controllers behind many governments and institutions, including financial, religious, academic, scientific and other non-governmental organizations.
KnowIt is critical to understand that there is an elite
control cabal of extremely wealthy families who have manipulated society for centuries. Their ultimate goal is full-spectrum dominance through a technocratic world governance system under their control, now entirely possible using fully deployed digital surveillance and artificial intelligence.They have controlled
or strongly influenced the financial, governance, military, chemical, medical, technology and media arenas all along.The upper echelon of this cabal maintains secrecy in much of their dealings, although some of them are well-known as part of their role, such as the royalty and a few of the other super wealthy.
There are multiple layers of insiders serving in positions throughout this hidden technocratic empire. Their loyalty is secured by non-disclosure agreements compelled by bribery,
compromise, blackmail or threat and enforced by thorough monitoring.The minions of the cultic cabal include many well-known "celebrities" - royalty, politicians, entrepreneurs, actors, musicians, athletes, etc.,
- who are used to dupe and entrain us with repeated memes and exotic symbolism.The elite cultists are adept at tiptoeing to tyranny.
They plan far in advance, implementing some changes very gradually and others by dramatic crisis.They research, test and utilize financial, scientific, social and psychological methodologies.
They capture, sequester and exploit developing technologies for control and gain.
They are masters of deception.
They practice occult rituals for power.
They consider the rest of humanity as servants to be brainwashed, duped and used.
They want to reduce global population to less than a billion, now that they have robots to do much of their work. (Look up "The Georgia Guidestones".)
They poison the public through the food, medicines, water, air, household products, frequencies, genetic engineering and viruses, to generate lower intelligence, illness, infertility and early death.
They form agendas, stage events, control information, fabricate data, disseminate false narratives, promote propaganda and foster ignorance and false beliefs.
They signal their intentions with predictive programming and hinting symbols, cryptic messages and number codes in their controlled media, based on their belief that it gives them more power and justifies their actions.
This cultic cabal is described further by many other researchers in books, broadcasts and videos.
Among other purposes, the current pandemic crisis is a distracting cover for what was an inevitable (probably intentional) financial collapse, and for the roll out of 5G communications, surveillance and mind control technology and its harmful microwave radiation, which generates effects similar to flu symptoms, nervous system interference, oxygen deprivation and possible death.
Conspiracy analysts consider the long term set up of economic vulnerability and the current financial meltdown as intentional, to help foster the reaction that brings on the "New World Order" solution under a "United Nations" tyrannical governance system.
It is anticipated that cash transactions are going to be eliminated in favor of all digital transactions, which are then fully recorded and tracked, and that restrictions on many freedoms of the past will be more stringent. They will claim that cash transmits viruses, and is used to launder revenues from crime, so it is unsafe.
"Problem ~ reaction ~ solution" is the strategy of "the Hegelian Dialectic", which is utilized by the elite cabal for manipulation of the masses by controlling all aspects of a situation to get to a goal they had set ahead of time.
"Order out of chaos"
and "divide and rule" are other strategic principles of control that have been employed by controllers for centuries.The planners covertly set up a problem, or the perception of a problem, then present it to the public in a way for them to believe it and react to it by accepting
, if not demanding the solution the cabal wants to implement. In most cases fear is generated as the motivator to get this accomplished.Many people have had the expectation that the
current pandemic lockdown is needed temporarily and that normal will soon resume. The normalcy bias that most people tend to have is said to have caused them to be unprepared for a much worse scenario to come.Expectations of management of our society by Homeland Security and FEMA have been discussed for decades, including "sheltering in place", emergency control of food distribution, and the possibility of martial law. Examples of this have been seen during a
several hurricane disasters, and homeland military drills.Many are aware of the plans for "continuity of government" spelled out in serious legislation and past executive orders that have not been highlighted in the media.
Corporate State ControlInstant Depression
The COVID-19 pandemic has been called the new 9-11, the new "Pearl Harbor", a "false flag" event laying the blame on a false culprit to roll out an agenda.
The federal government and many cities and states declared a state of emergency for this outbreak, with unprecedented limitations on lifestyle.
Flights to the U.S.A. from many parts of the world
were stopped. Schools have been closed. Colleges sent students home. Museums, libraries, churches, organizations, malls, stores and offices have been closed and cancelled or postponed events. Sporting events have been shut down. Movement across national borders is being limited. Gatherings of 10 or more people are banned. Restaurants, bars and other businesses are closed by mandate in many locations.People are urged to stay home and only go out only for necessities. All but "essential" businesses and services
were declared closed in much of the nation. Some think even more restriction could be forthcoming in the Fall with a resurgence.Whether or not this virus is as deadly as some are suggesting, the panic about it generated by the media caused a run on supplies. This coupled with the curtailed supply chain from Asia has led to serious shortages in many goods, and an unprecedented financial shock and economic downturn.
The stock market
took the worst tumble ever known as investors reacted to the developing problems.With the stock market suffering astounding losses, many economists anticipat
ed a long-lasting global depression resulting from the massive economic disruption.The Federal Reserve lowered their interest rate to nearly zero, and bank bail outs along with government spending inject
ed trillions of fake dollars into the financial system in an attempt to stabilize markets.This stimulus move
did not work well due to supply chain disruptions blocking the manufacture of many goods, and travel, tourism and even going out in public being curtailed, with substantial losses, closures, work stoppage and unemployment.The FED funding of treasury bonds no longer attractive to foreign lenders pumped up the economy, but the funny money also spurred inflation. The FED gradually raised interest rates. The higher rates have not stopped inflation as more fake dollars have been created.
Providing funds directly to suddenly out-of-work people and impacted businesses may help more than the FED's earlier actions, but the world economy falling into a "Greater Depression" seems inevitable.
The pandemic may still be considered the trigger event and cover for the long-anticipated economic collapse. The collapse is really due to a fraudulent financial system of massive debt and trillions of dollars tied up in shaky bonds, derivative contracts and sub-prime assets.
How much stock ownership will be acquired before long at bargain prices by wealthy individuals and surviving banks with access to free money?
If a pandemic is falsely manipulated by special interests for hidden purposes, how will historians describe the economic repercussions of overreaction to a false flag propped up by an initially erroneous death-rate statistic?
How far in advance was the shut down of much of our society planned?
How many small local businesses have been forced to close permanently, and how many more will be? In the aftermath, the better-run big corporate chains have a lot less competition.
Unemployment stats broke records during the "pandemic". Then fewer people wanted to work. Now layoffs at large companies are pushing up at least underemployment.
If we have another "outbreak", how long will restrictions go on, and what other agendas will it serve, such as rationale for a mandatory vaccination and a universal digital ID including medical records.
If there is more "social distancing", it will lead to worse economic paralysis. Availability of goods may be impacted for this, as well as the growing rejection by foreign suppliers of U.S. Treasury Bills as payment.
In a full economic collapse or social disorder scenario, bank account withdrawals could be limited. Access to needed supplies could become more challenging. Monitoring and enforcement of new restrictions could increase.
People are justifiably concerned about a complete lockdown of everyone in another pandemic, with enforced in-home quarantines.
They would be bothered even more if social chaos were to arise among a frightened hungry populace in panic. What if there were a power outage?
Contrived Financial Disturbances
The crises of 2008 and 2020 were the worst upsets in the economy since the Crash of 1929 and the start of the Great Depression in the early 1930's. Much worse may be yet to come.How could this happen in a sophisticated highly managed economy?
Real estate and the stock market both tanked in 2008-09; many jobs disappeared; a number of big companies went under; and retirement funds were shockingly diminished. Now more corporate and bank failures and government defaults are likely coming. Whole nations are on the verge of financial collapse, as well as some state and local governments.
Despite the U.S. government and the FED (two different entities both spending our money) pumping monetary adrenaline (mostly to the benefit of fellow insiders), there is likely another dramatic drop to come in the economy and in social conditions.
The central banks, the commercial banks, the companies and the governments involved in this giant economic house of cards, and the attempts to fix it, are all interrelated.
They have close associations and vested interests; they assist each other; and the top people within them have often come over from one of the other institutions active in the situation.
For examples, Henry Paulson, the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury under President George W. Bush, was a former CEO of Goldman-Sachs, a top investment banking company right at the center of the 2008 financial meltdown and the bailout. The heads of state later forced on debt-weakened Greece and Italy by the international bankers were also both former execs at Goldman-Sachs, which has a powerful interlock with the finances of governments as well as most major corporations.
As another example, President Obama's first term Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, started his career as an associate of Henry Kissinger, a key agent of the global conglomerate who was once Secretary of State under President Nixon. Geithner was also previously head of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, and earlier worked in the U.S. Treasury department.
From 2001 to 2003, Geithner played a key role with the International Monetary Fund. He has also been a member of the Council On Foreign Relations, and worked with the Bank For International Settlements, the RAND corporation think tank, and several other empire institutions.
Short On Funds
The main stated thrust of the initial 2009 financial recovery package was to restore liquidity to the cash markets. Financial institutions had lost trust in various markets and were holding whatever cash assets they had.The U.S. government, in conjunction with the Federal Reserve Bank (the "FED"), had removed cash from the money supply, which actually helped precipitate the liquidity crisis.
Every day, financial managers assess their cash needs. They may seek to borrow for a short time, to pay their suppliers and/or their payrolls; then they repay the borrowed cash out of incoming receipts. As the crisis came to a head, many companies were not able to borrow enough for their daily cash flow.
Before long after that, the U.S. government was purchasing stocks of banks and companies in other major industries.
Additionally, the government took on the "toxic assets" that the banks were holding. This was purported to be an attempt to relieve stressed financial markets and get lending going again.
With cash tight, loans for small businesses, home purchases, automobile sales, etc., have continued to be hard to get.
The TICK is involved with nearly everything that transpires on multiple world stages, especially the financial one.
Why would those behind the giant banks, companies and governments allow the financial markets to deteriorate into such a monumental crisis? Why did they avoid fixing the situation properly? What might they gain from a financial collapse and an economic recession or depression?
One evident result was a consolidation of weaker institutions into larger corporations. The more efficient, organized and wealthy players scooped up assets that became bargains due to the financial crash.The bigger the corporation, the more likely the top executives are knowingly connected with the conglomerate. Longtime fellow associates are glad to help each other expand their sub-empires within the greater empire.
Another interest of the global oriented cabal may be to weaken the United States economy to the point that our legislators will be more receptive than they are already to moving into a larger union.
The passage of treaties like NAFTA and GATT is evidence that many in congress have been eager for international governance for decades. The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) was another restrictive treaty that could have completed the ruin of the U.S. economy.
"Global governance" is the term now being used to imply transnational bureaucratic administration, better described as "technocratic". This is already the case in the arenas of economics, banking and finance, trade, and medicine, and it is in the works with dietary guidelines, carbon control, food rationing, gun control, social engineering, genetic modification and much more.
The cabal's conglomerate is interested in mergers of economies as well as corporations. Experiments in this have included nations from the former Soviet Union and the faltering "European Economic Union".
Another possibility would be a North American economic union of the United States with Canada and Mexico. This has been under consideration for years in inter-governmental discussions.
With greater movement of workers and goods across borders, plans for a North American regional economic governance gradually took shape over decades. Eventually there may be a drive for political consolidation into a regional administration as part of a global governance system.
Health, crime, immigration and the influence and violence of criminal gangs expanding into the U.S. from Mexico, have been major concerns in the discussion of an economic union of North American nations.
The most important issue is the status of the United States Constitution under any new unions. This document of limited government in the form of a republic is for the protection of our people's liberty. The powers moving for global corporate government do not want to adhere to some of the limits set out in the U.S. Constitution. In fact they began efforts to circumvent and undermine it almost as soon as it was put in place. That momentum got really moving in the Civil War period, and has been intensified in recent years.
Gradual Coup D'Etat
The European elite powers of royalty and finance have sought to regain control of the United States from the time of the American Revolution. They repeatedly pushed for the united States to adopt a central bank that they could work through to gain control of our economy.After President Andrew Jackson got rid of the second attempt at a national central bank, the international bankers continued to manipulate ideas and events. They arranged to place Lincoln in the Presidency to foster the Civil War. During the Civil War, they infiltrated national institutions and afterward their agents and other bribed officials replaced the constitutional government of the united States with a corporation that the bankers could control.
By 1913, the bankers had set in place the Federal Reserve Bank system, which continues today to manipulate the economy and rob the people.
These international powers are behind the "Progressives", who further infiltrated the U.S. government and its bureaucracy at every level since the early 1900's, and have been progressively undermining the nation our founders intended for more than a century.
These big government authoritarian interests have grown the government and the bureaucracies that now regulate us, while controlling the media, fabricating history and hiding facts for their own purposes.
The economy has effectively been run by the Federal Reserve Bank ever since it was set up by the bankers and their "progressive" buddies a century ago. Now the banker controlled government is interlocked with major business corporations.
Over the years the ever larger corporate federal government has usurped control and molded the United States into a European style socialist democracy. You'll hear our politicians repeatedly refer to the U.S. as a "democracy", when it is rather supposed to be a constitutional republic.
The federal republic established by the Constitution emphasized the role of the states and their citizens in controlling the federal government.
Now individual states in the U.S. are on the verge of financial collapse. Especially notable among them is California, the most populous state. Many states have been brought to the point of dependence on and subservience to the federal government.
Meanwhile, the United States has been financing its growing outlays for decades with what is effectively "play money", since our currency was removed from association with gold and silver. This has already caused the dollar, which is actually a "Federal Reserve Note" debt instrument, to diminish dramatically in value.
Before long the U.S. FED dollar could lose its status as "world reserve currency". It could be officially devalued, eroded by the nations moving to avoid using it in trade, replaced by a new global currency or simply wiped out by collapsing internationally with massive inflation in the U.S.
The United States government itself is rapidly coming to the point of being financially unviable. Merging of government bodies into larger international agencies may be made to seem like the sensible option.
Meanwhile, the empire is moving toward greater consolidation, monitoring and control of the customers and citizens of its business and government corporations.
Bubbles Lose Air
The corporate dominated economy nurtured the build up of market bubbles over the course of the last twenty years or so, including several basic areas of economic life:computers & dot-coms, real estate, savings and loan institutions, lending and credit, oil and gasoline, electronics, cell phones & wi-fi tablets, as well as financial assets such as stocks, options, loans, mortgage backed securities, and "credit swap derivatives" (unregulated financial loss insurance that has little backing).
The bubbles were especially inflated in the U.S.
These bubble markets each had a time as a growth sector experiencing incredible runs up in the value or sales consistency of their merchandise or services. Most of them also had precipitous declines.
Their ups and downs have had significant influences on the economy, and participants in it large and small.
Further, several of these industries have been poorly regulated, and to a greater or lesser extent, each has been tainted with manipulation, falsification or fraud.
The rapidly leaking bubbles and other problems in some of these key sectors have had major repercussions in the economy around the world, and the effects will continue to be felt for a long time.
Other nations emerging financially have focused on exports, primarily to the U.S. and the United Kingdom nations, the great consumers. Capturing a share of major consumer markets has benefited several nations of industrious people.
Changing populations, popping bubbles and the resulting recession have slowed these other economies as well.
In the United States, the post World War II "Baby Boom" generation is well into retired senior status. They have most of what they need beyond their consumables such as food, gas and utilities. They are not spending nearly as much as they did when they were younger.
Many "Boomers" lost much of their retirement savings in the stock and real estate crashes a decade ago, and this is now again a threat. They are more hesitant to draw down their resources further by unnecessary spending.
Meanwhile, these bubble ups and drop downs are manipulated and very profitable for knowledgeable players.
The outrageous financial practices and deflating bubbles on top of the inevitable changes in the population's buying habits have made the financial crisis much more serious. Additional major bubble pops are on the horizon.
The hot air that pumps up a bubble is made up of sizzle, buzz, hype, overstatement, misrepresentation and out-and-out fraud.
Over the last few years a new round of dangerous financial bubbles formed, including the stock market again, bonds, debt, the U.S. dollar, and the same credit derivatives that have not yet been resolved, all of which are ready to pop. A new real estate bubble has also developed in certain markets.
Keep on guard for another much deeper across the board crash. We did not learn the lesson of 2008, and this has led us to the verge of massive economic collapse.
Many companies have standard sales policies to first manipulate customers to buy, and then to get the most money out of them. Often the product or service does not have the expected value. However, after the company gets their money, they are off to the next sale with little or no follow-up service for the customer, who feels somewhat ripped-off.In some cases, as with Bernie Madoff's elaborate $50 billion "Ponzi" scheme, the transaction is a complete major fraud.
Trust is a key issue now in many economic sectors. There have been numerous misrepresentations and questionable practices by both companies and governments, and clever strategies of avoiding regulatory action.
On Purpose
The derivative financial instruments and bundled bad mortgages that were concocted before the last crash are still a major issue.These plus the incredible amounts of "play money" dollars in circulation, and the unsustainable debt burdens of most individuals and entities, will combine to provide the fuel for the greater financial meltdown many experts believe is on the way.
The debt ceiling / spending cuts dramas between the president and Congress, the debt and austerity disturbances in Europe, and the threats of additional war in the middle east, or with China, have all been distractions from the even more crucial issues associated with the decline of the United States as the prime economic power and the potential in the U.S. for financial hard times, social chaos and militarist police state occupation.
"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas."
- Brock Adams, former Director of UN Health Organization
Social Reorganization
Beyond the crossover of executives between industry and government, have you noticed the increased fuzzing of the traditional "capitalist" lines between government and business in the response to the economic upheaval?In addition to owning and operating the United States Postal Service, the Social Security and Medicare systems, the Internal Revenue Service collection agency, the mortgage agencies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the NASA space program; the U.S. government has bought stocks in business corporations as well as weak debt assets to get them off the books of banks. Of these, only the postal service is constitutionally mandated.
Financial Takeover
The federal government has taken over virtually all student loans. Further, a major punch has been thrown for the government taking control of the health care system.The feds also took action to oversee the operation of troubled companies considered to be a threat to the vitality of the economic system.
The Obama administration's control of General Motors, with the forced resignation of the CEO, the reorganization of GM under bankruptcy, and the recent Trump mandate that they build medical ventilators, as well as the government role in Chrysler's operation, have revealed the growing involvement of government with big companies.
Hand and glove relationships between business and government are not new. Banks and contractors have done business with governments over many centuries. This was the definition of fascism in Italy under Mussolini in the 1930's.
The "military industrial complex", about which President Eisenhower warned us fifty years ago, is an example of an interwoven business and government relationship. Much of this is hidden as "top secret".
The U.S. economy and the government were infiltrated by agents of the international bankers over 100 years ago, and have been manipulated by them ever since.
Through the issuance of Treasury bonds and bills, the United States has borrowed ever greater amounts of money from banks, other governments, companies, pension funds and individuals over the years.
In the process, the banks, foreign governments, big companies and the powers behind them have come to have more and more influence in the U.S. government.
Why have the U.S. financial bailouts and stimulus expenditures of trillions of dollars over the last decade been funneled mostly through the established financial institutions and other corporations, including ones which contributed to the problems? Why weren't more of these funds distributed directly to the population to spend or invest for much more effective economic stimulation?
Could it be that our government, the top end of the financial industry, and the major sectors of the economy; are all either developed or infiltrated and controlled by agents of the empire? Its influence reaches throughout the legal, financial, media, agricultural, chemical, energy, military and the medical industries, as well as governments and their bureaucracies.
Is the cabal working through the institutions it dominates to bring about an ever more coordinated, corporate state?
Is it possible that the international big shots have created an ongoing crisis to foster greater consolidation of corporate structures through mergers, loans and the blending of banks, governments and companies?
The government's FDIC has taken over some banks, with more to come. More than 700 banks have been consolidated into other banks, and more than a thousand more are still on the FDIC watch list. Many more may be in trouble with the current crisis.
Terms like "government receivership" or the government being a "conservator" may be used to put a mask on the less favorable idea of "nationalization" of companies as in socialist nations.
Most people are unaware that the Federal Reserve Bank is not part of the government. Beyond the normal Federal Reserve Bank practice of loaning only to member U.S. banks, the FED is now bending the definition of "bank" and lending directly to big companies, and even foreign banks and governments.Further, the Federal Reserve Bank is the largest holder of U.S. government debt -- trillions of dollars! China and Japan are our second and third largest creditors.
The FED is our buyer of last resort. If the rest of the world would no longer buy our U.S. bonds, economic collapse would be not long in coming.
The FED's recently resumed "quantitative easing" style debt funding involves the creation of trillions of funny money dollars to buy U.S. Bonds. This influx of cash has been stoking the inflation already underway.
Former President Bush (#43) commented that government financial bailout at times is "necessary to preserve the free market."
The corporate state preserving the "free market" with money borrowed from the bankster cartels, who then control the state as a debt asset. --- That quote seems like "double-speak" from Orwell's 1984 !
"Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.”
- James A. Garfield, U.S. President, 1881
assassinated a few months into his presidency
Fascism denotes a tendency to autocratic government, with a dictator or junta, a controlled society and suppression of opposition.
Fascism may involve an alliance of power between secret societies, government, and/or organizations, and/or corporations in attempted dominance of the population. This might be called falsely legitimized organized crime.
Fascism, from the Latin word fasces, is represented in symbol by a hard-to-break bundle of sticks, representing a united coalition.
Fascism has been growing in the USA throughout our history, especially since the Civil War. “Operation Paper Clip” that brought Nazis from Germany into positions in the USA after World War II, gradually embedded fascism here more deeply.
Find the fasces symbol of the control cabal on the back of a dollar bill in the bundle of arrows held in the talon of the phoenix, and in the bundled sticks on the back of a dime, now in the form of a torch.
The goals of the fascist control cabal are: depopulation, ownership of all resources and substantial assets, and full-spectrum dominance of the remaining populace.
Fascist insiders in the USA include some leaders and other officials of secretive groups, spy agencies, government, bureaucracies, the media, social media, the military, the law, the courts, the Federal Reserve and major banks, the medical/pharmaceutical conglomerate, and many large corporations in key industries such as oil, chemicals, technology and defense.
The first step in ending fascism is recognizing and exposing it.
Elements of Fascism
~ control of information ~ control of media
~ deception, fraud, corruption ~ staged events & “false flags”
~ propaganda, hypnosis, division ~ mind control, confusion, trauma, fear
~ criminal actions & enterprises ~ control of institutions
~ control of government ~ control of education
~ control of law & courts ~ control of policing
~ limited civil rights & liberties ~ ridicule & suppression of opposition
~ secret societies, oaths ~ blackmail, threat, torture, murder
~ control of money & banking ~ control of medicine/pharmaceuticals
~ control of distribution ~ control of major industries & tech
~ control of military ~ generation of war profits
~ control of taxation ~ control/seizure of property & assets
“Fascism ought to more properly be called corporatism since it is the merger of state and corporate power.”
- Benito Mussolini, World War II era fascist dictator of Italy
Corporate Statist Dictatorship
"Socialism" is the ownership or control of land, capital and industry by the community, usually through its government.That only makes sense, on a small local level, if organized properly with true participation of all citizens and no dictator. For example, there have been experiments with communal farms and similar worker collectives in other businesses.
The anti-capitalism of the "progressive" movement is a mistake. We have not had true capitalism in the United States for a long time. Simply put, capitalism is an economic system whereby anyone can set aside some of their earnings as savings, then invest it in business, whether their own or someone else's.
As an example of capitalism, if an employee of a machine shop is thrifty and saves up money while working and learning the trade, they can one day buy their own machine with the capital they have accumulated. Perhaps working part time at home in their garage they can develop their own business. Maybe they can get some help from parents or grandparents. Through hard work and wise financial management, possibly with added borrowed funds, eventually they may be able to go full time with their own business and grow it more.
The economic reality we have in the U.S. is not free capitalism, it is vested interest "crony" corporatism. The giant banks and corporations have used their fake fiat money to cultivate the favor of government officials and control most of technology over the decades, resulting in a selectively regulated oligarchy sustained by the technocratic corporate state and other conglomerate participants.
A monstrous pervasive bureaucratic system serving the elite money interests has expanded control of institutions, technologies and people. The controllers have polluted the environment and undermined the health, intelligence, liberty and well-being of the population, while manipulating thought and opinion with pre-planned events, media propaganda, hidden technologies and chemical abuse.
It is never wise to have a government or social organization so large and powerful that it subjugates and controls its population.
Nonetheless, a large centralized social operating system is already in place. It has gradually made its way into governments and agencies all over the world. It is corporate technocratic statism.
Corporate Technocratic Statism
Corporate technocratic statism is a pyramidal system of high-tech bureaucratic social control from the top down. It is actually very sophisticated fascism.The socialist and communist governments as they are in the real world demonstrate such giant state control. Forget about the left versus right dichotomy. That is a "divide and rule" psychological operation. At the extremes, these various systems are simply different colorations of tyranny.
In most nations today, politics and economics are controlled by a combine of government politicians, officials and bureaucracies, and execs of business corporations, some of whom move readily from business to government positions and/or vice versa. The powerful giant corporations lobby and bribe for favorable legislation that restricts lesser competitors, and insert their operatives into bureaucratic positions to their benefit.
The layers of corporate government often share jurisdictions, attention and actions between national, regional and local levels.
There just a few leaders in charge at the top of the controlling cabal. Their chosen agents are orchestrated into key positions via long cultivated methods of controlling both sides of staged opposition, and managing the selection of controlled politicians and chief bureaucrats.
Corporate techno-bureaucratic statism has similarities to the major totalitarian socialist experiments of the past century: the National Socialist Party ("Nazi's") in Germany in the 1930's and 40's; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) controlled by communist dictators centered in Russia for about 70 years; and the People's Republic of China formed in the 1940's under Chairman Mao, all set up and financed by elite conglomerate interests.
Though we normally think of "Nazi's" as right wing extremists, and "Communists" as left wing extremists, when running a government they have both instituted tyranny not much different from each other in their totalitarian control of the people.
Total control by "The Powers That Be" also has precedents from earlier centuries in Europe involving feudalism, kings and nobles, militarism, usurious financial practices, manipulative churches, secret societies, espionage, pacts, treaties, contracts, propaganda, media control and even revolutions.Today's corporate technocratic statist dictatorship arises out of the expertise developed from these earlier experiences. It tends toward totalitarianism, as it is guided by a few elite controllers at the top of a giant authoritarian bureaucratic network. It operates as a dictatorship by a ruling board of directors or unofficial top organizers.
The powers behind authoritarian corporate statism utilize polarizing labels such as "communist", "socialist", "leftist", "liberal", "progressive", "populist", "capitalist", "conservative", "libertarian", "tea party", "right winger", "radical", "terrorist", etc., to confuse, frighten and manipulate the population toward greater corporate government control, real fascism.
The currently emerging mix of private business and socialism in Russia and China are examples of corporate techno statism arising from established state socialist communism. In those nations the ultimate control still lies with the elite few who oversee management of the government, the military and the business economy. These mostly psychopathic individuals on a tyrannical power trip are as wealthy as any corporate executive "capitalist" if not moreso.
Government is rapidly moving into corporate techno statism from two directions.On the one hand is the corporate high-tech control system directed by those with financial and political power. These corporate interests have brought about an accompanying reduction in liberty through statutory law, regulatory agencies, taxing authorities, the expansion of debt and sophisticated surveillance, all developed by technocrats and politicians under corporate influence.
On the other hand are the "progressive" socialists and communists, the radical leftists that are rapidly moving to undermine the freedom of the people of the United States and our economy. They are still revolutionaries, but for years they have been somewhat less vocal and obvious than those who threw rocks and gasoline bombs back in the 1960's.
Instead, the Progressive leaders have been quietly strategic to implement Marxist principles, such as a central bank, a graduated income tax and a diminished middle class, in moving to transform the United States into a communist style oligarchy.
Meanwhile socialist strategists lead on their base with promises of serving the poor and downtrodden, and curbing destruction of the environment, while actually trapping people in dependence on government money, financed by fraudulent debt, collateralized by the resources of our nation.
The elite expand their control system by polluting our bodies and the the environment with intentional public poisons.
The end goal of corporate techno statism is the regimentation and total control of a greatly reduced population of genetically and mentally limited ignorant slaves managed by artificial intelligence. If you are young and strong enough to be kept on, your future boss may be a robot!
Manipulation By Statist Progressives
"Progressive" is a positive sounding word. That is why the elite power controllers chose to use it a century ago, reviving the term in recent years to entice caring people to support growing state authoritarian bureaucratic dominance.Engineered enemies in the forms of murderous terrorists, abusive foreign dictators, and even small businesses characterized as willing to violate regulations for profit, are set up and publicized in the controlled press to evoke acceptance of reduced civil liberties and increasing surveillance and control measures.
Under the rubric of "social justice", the progressive socialists and their associated coalitions and unions outwardly seek redistribution of wealth and protection from the greedy.
However, the masterminds funding and fostering these groups are not primarily interested in helping those in poverty or limiting their corporate board friends, but rather in eliminating the middle class, and exacerbating the divide between rich and poor for tyrannical ends.
They also contemplate punishment of those who are opposed to their social control ideas and policies, including universal state mandated health care, possibly including compelled vaccinations, multiple repressive taxes, chemical, biological and electronic abuse, and mass psychological manipulation.
Big government statist "Progressives" include most presidents of the last 100 years, and many cabinet officials, legislators and other key federal employees, as well as leaders of several major corporations, unions, international agencies and other organizations. These agents are tied together through association with secretive empire planning organizations such as the Bilderberg group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and many lesser ones.
Democracy Or Republic?
By contrast with fascist corporate statism and it's immature twin, progressive socialism, our nation was founded to be a republic where the power of government rests with well-informed citizens through representatives they properly select, a validly elected president and an impartial and honest judiciary.The intent was to be free of any monarch, dictator or ruling committee and bureaucracy. The people are supposed to be in control of government.
Somewhat different from the idea of a republic, the term "democracy" is applied to nations whose legislators are elected by a majority of voters in their district. This alone does not necessarily describe a society where people are free from tyranny.
Democracy can be "mob rule", and the mob can be and usually is manipulated. Those in power maintain a dependent propagandized poverty class to support the authoritarian parental state.
In a democracy, it can be made to seem that power is vested in the hands of the people, usually through an election process by an apparent majority of the voting population from available candidates given the appearance of validity. In actuality, both main party candidates are normally presented by the empire, which also has multiple ways of engineering favorable election results.
Click here for a short video depicting government as a republic as compared to a democracy and a dictatorship.
Undermining The Constitutional Republic
If only controlled candidates are presented (many not even qualified), and if money, power or threats sway representatives, bureaucrats and other leaders to favor policies that serve powerful elite interests over what is really best for the people, and crowds are manipulated by trained provocateurs pushing hot buttons, and elections are skewed by big money, propaganda and even fraud, then a hidden tyranny is at work under the label of "democracy".Such a secret tyranny may be supported by the majority of a poorly informed, brainwashed, and preoccupied population, misled by policies and strategic propaganda in many areas of life, and bribed with favors.
The conglomerate empire has utilized a manipulated, misguided democratic process, multi-media brainwashing and handouts to imbed itself in the U.S. government and economy, as well as in the other major governments.
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of."
- Edward Bernays, from Propaganda, 1928
Tyranny By Design
The empire has been guiding and shaping the United States along with other nations into corporate bureaucratic statism for over one hundred fifty years, using banking, debt, war, controlled media, propaganda, advertising, "progressive" socialism, revisionist history, false flag terrorism, chemicals, electro-magnetic stress, fear, surveillance and more as tools of deceiving and controlling the population.In its movement toward dictatorship, corporate statism compels value from its citizens to support authoritarian bureaucratic government policies and programs that undermine the liberty of those very citizens.
The corporate dictator government sometimes demands certain actions of its populace as well, including drafting people for military service, requiring potentially harmful inoculations, or compelling people to move out of their homes with an evacuation order or give up their property by "eminent domain".
Corporate statist dictatorship dulls the edge of the people's vigilant protection of freedom by encouraging self-centered thinking and behavior, and employing distraction, propaganda, crisis, fear, doubt, suspicion and alienation.
To the corporate statist, the population is thought of primarily in terms of its statistics. The needs of individuals are secondary to those of the state.
People are led to assume that there is little or nothing they can do about unfavorable conditions assumed to be normal. They are burdened with debt and guided to be more interested in their own personal activities and problems, or in entertainment and amusements, than in what their leaders are doing, whether behind closed doors or openly.
Indebted Servants
Corporate statist dictatorship establishes an insidious form of servitude that is not obvious like total slavery, but still binding and limiting to true freedom.Our attitudes have been cultivated and our quality of life has gradually eroded as a result of the cabal's long term strategies and actions.
Through manufactured economic and social pressures and modeling by televised scripting, programmed symbols and memes, and the highly publicized lives of famous people, family life has been disrupted and psychological disturbances worsened.
Divorce has became a common choice leading to the break up of families. A large number of former couples driven by breakup to maintain separate households has facilitated the massive growth of debt and the long term consequences of foreclosed homes and bankruptcies.
Financial challenges and economic dislocation have brought stress to many lives. The ranks of the homeless have grown, and many cities are imposing tighter regulations on these unfortunate folks.
The controllers' protocol stresses us, distracts us from perceiving their activities, dulls our alertness, and fades our liberty.
Distress, fear, anxiety and mind control are the major tools used to manipulate the population to go along with the planned agenda.
Fascist Genocide
The outrageous harmful X-rays and humiliating pat-downs by TSA agents at airports, train and bus stations, stadiums and even highway checkpoints, have been the clear signal that "Homeland Security" has brought fascism to the United States of America.The conglomerate undermines our health with stress, poor food choices, public poisons in food, water and air, radiation, electromagnetic pollution, chemical spraying, and toxic chemical medicine, including vaccinations, leaving many debilitated with diseases that preoccupy attention and bring an end to people's lives as soon as possible after their usefulness to the corporate system has subsided.
Some watchdogs indicate that empire interests unleash biologically engineered viruses or other calamities. Investigations indicate that in addition to bio-weapons labs they have secret technologies that can modify weather and/or possibly create earthquakes, tornadoes, etc.
The main purposes of such heinous acts are considered to be: to further distract and preoccupy the population, to justify quarantines, forced evacuations, mass internment in secure FEMA camps, or other forms of social control, and to reduce the population (which was recommended by Karl Marx).
Would the elite statists go to the extreme of purposely causing mass loss of life? What is the result of their favorite strategy -- war? They defined the whole globe, including the United States, as a battleground of diverse "terrorism". In essence, they are at war with the rest of the world's population, whom they are attacking with multiple weapons.
"The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of the freedom at time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until way past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed."
- Adolph Hitler
"A world government can intervene militarily in the internal affairs of any nation when it disapproves of their activities."
- Kofi Annan, former U.N. Secretary General
"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful!
This is especially true if they were told that there is an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown.
When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government."
-- Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State, former National Security Advisor,
addressing the Bilderberg Conference, Evian, France, May 21, 1992
Click here for a short video that summarizes the totalitarian state developing in the United States.
Learn, Hope And Act
A deceitful manipulation of the circumstances of our collective life has brought us to crisis. It is likely that economic, political, health and social changes already underway will breed even more crises, which may become major and foster a time of serious turbulence.
We are certainly and constantly deceived by the smoke screens and distractions of The Powers That Be. We have been letting them proceed for decades without much criticism or correction.
A hidden organization of coordinated controllers has set the stage for and directed the immense debt trap, the current financial disruptions, a massive health crisis, and many other distractions, as this power wielding group up-levels its deceptive movement toward global control.
This monumental worldwide production, presented by producers and directors behind the scenes, may seem like the ultimate scary movie. It is up to us to create a happy outcome.
Each president is normally a strong personality and a fairly polished speaker. However, the president and the administration staff as well most legislators are themselves, willingly or not, conglomerate statist puppets. They utilize the apparently conflicting ideologies of progressive socialism vs. corporate capitalism as tools of deception to achieve the goals of those whose interests do not favor the people of the U.S.A.
What we really have is a complex network of technocratic cabal corporatism, guided by quiet, remote elitist powers served by controlled embedded minions. More than just bureaucratic socialism owned by greedy crony capitalists, what they seek to accomplish is increasing their control to full high tech dominance, rather than the real betterment of the populace.
The Original "Progressives"
Among other methods, the empire has been utilizing the strategies of the "Progressives". These smoke-screened socialists, beginning in the early 20th Century with Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt, have expanded control of the United States by corporate government and its bureaucracies.Woodrow Wilson was intrigued by an idea he got from reading Phillip Drew, Administrator, a novel about a highly organized executive written by his top advisor, Col. Edward Mandel House. They appreciated what they perceived as the efficiency of proper administration of a large bureaucracy.
This model was introduced in government by Wilson, Col. House, and their banker controlled associates to facilitate the eventual adaptation of controversial Marxist ideas they secretly appreciated.
These Progressives believed that if social control were gradually implemented by bureaucratic administration, rather than by violent revolution as in Russia, that government and the economy would run better and the people would be easily manipulated and managed.
With the setting up of the Federal Reserve Banking system and the income tax, both in 1913, these traitors made great strides at turning our nation over to the bureaucratic tyranny we live under.
Even then they had the idea of a global bureaucratic government. The first attempt to implement it was "The League Of Nations", which was championed by House and Wilson, although the U.S. Congress would not vote to join it. The current version is the United Nations, formed as a solution to the problem of "World War".
Since then, international treaties and joint ventures such as NATO and the European Union, have served as steps toward global governance.
In the United States, "Progressive" leaders, including most presidents, many members of congress on both sides of the aisle, and numerous administrators, have planned and slowly moved us toward a larger and deeper corporate-government conglomerate controlling the lives of the people more and more.
"It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance."
- President George H. W. Bush, addressing the General Assembly of the United Nations, February 1, 1992
Spotlight on Tyranny
The controlling power in the United States has been gradually ceded into the hands of the FED and interconnected giant banks and corporations, beginning more than a century ago.The powerful interests have their lackeys in place throughout the intelligence agencies, the government, the financial realm, the media and big business. They have controlled the show for a very long time, and have recently expanded this control dramatically.
The combination of the tyranny of debt financing with the economic power of the FED and its corporations, especially military contractors, has resulted in a government run by these interests rather than the people.
The greatest fraud has been the overall massive psychological operation ("psy-op") of social control utilizing the government, the financial system, advanced technology and the media that has kept much of reality from the public, while positioning us to be ignorant participants in a false reality, and poisoning us all along to lessen our intelligence and shorten our lives.
Learning And Action
Learning more about this can be transformative. Sharing together we can nurture hope in gaining back our freedom and improving the world. Then we can explore how to change the direction of the planned empire control events in progress and work for something much better.You may not want to think about what is revealed here. You may be busy, or wanting to just focus on your personal life. You may at first think that this sounds like an exaggeration or a "conspiracy theory" until you learn more.
However, what is happening is already affecting your life and the lives of your loved ones, so it would be wise to know more about it.
If we allow the unfolding mega corporate state to continue to grow, it will consolidate its global bureaucratic tyranny and control almost everything any of us do.
I reach out to every honest person of good intent to help with raising awareness.
We need to elect replacements for nearly all current national legislators, stop the elite power group from expanding their control, and renew our social, economic and political institutions as cooperative communities sharing in a constitutional republic.
"The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American’s freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of this plight.”
-- President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Nov. 12, 1963,
speaking at Columbia University ten days before his assassination
A relaxing breath and fresh thought make things better:
War has been obsolete from the start of civilization. Disagreement is better resolved by discussion to agreement. Now it is time for loving opponents to peace and forgiving the doubt.
Links To Other Chapters:
Jon David Miller, M.A., M.Div.
holistic educator, social scientist, philosopher and author
natural wellness ~ human nature ~ social science ~ philosophy
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I know that this is shocking information and a lot to consider at once. It is unlikely that all that has been mentioned in this analysis will happen, but events that will change life for all of us are more than probable. They are already happening.Awareness and cooperation are essential for humanity to make our way out of the deep trap The Powers That Be have created for us. We must break free of the ignorance instilled by poisoning with chemicals and electromagnetic fields, and the hypnosis by distraction and fear that keeps us confused and clinging to the hope of normalcy.It is very important that you form an alliance with your close friends and relatives to help each other through difficult times. Such an alliance is your best resource for making plans to provide food, shelter and protection for yourselves.